FromGlobe Online

Virtual Language Academy

Základné údaje

od 12 do 17 rokov
začiatok 20. apríla
10 lekcií týždenne
5 až 10 študentov
medzinárodný mix


kreatívne myslenie
kritické myslenie
učenie učiť sa



Výsledky študentov

Čo sa naučíš počas programu?


● komunikovať v angličtine na praktických situáciách
● prevziať zodpovednosť za svoje učenie
● rozvíjať zručnosti v oblasti kritického myslenia
● rozvíjať výskumné a vyšetrovacie postupy
● rozvíjať zručnosť pri riešení problémov
● rozvíjať zručnosti v sociálnej interakcii
● spolupracovať v rámci skupiny
● rozvíjať svoju gramotnosť prostredníctvom cielenej práce na online projekte

Trvanie kurzu

Courses can be custom built for specific groups or individual students can join our group class of 12 to 17 year old teens, but a two weeks period is recommended. Lessons are from 9:00 to 11:00 and each day will involve language lessons, grammar and vocabulary games and activities, live discussion and collaboration with other students,and individual feedback from the teacher on language and on the progress of the project. Each day, students will have time to work on their own project for regular slots.

Prehľad kurzu

Project-Based Learning
The Online Project-based Programme for Teens allows students to learn by doing- by applying ideas in response to lessons based on their interests and their engagement with real world issues. Lessons not only motivate students in discussion, research, and presentations with lots of interactive games and quizzes that improve proficiency in the English language, but challenge young learners to build 21st century skills such as creative thinking, collaboration, and problem solving through the medium of online learning. By doing tasks and activities based on topics that are important to them and the people around them, learners gain a deeper understanding of how to use the English language to express themselves clearly. Lessons also provide an extension of the learning that students are actively engaged in within their specific national curriculum, such as social and environmental issues.

Ciele kurzu

The focus of the Online Project-Based Learning Programme is to prepare students to communicate effectively and efficiently through English in the real world, using 21st century skills that are transferable and that will serve them well in a future academic, work, and social environment. It is important that learners develop personal investment in the material and a varying degree of learner autonomy is required in the identification of the driving question which propels the project. In general, the teacher acts as a facilitator and tutor, and as learners participate in authentic, situated inquiry, they explore options and collaborate to find an agreed-upon method of working.

At the start of the course, teachers will guide learners to identify a topic they would like to make a short video presentation on. Mobile phone apps and online editing tools are explored to help students to present their ideas to the group. By the end of the programme, students will have created a News Broadcast Video where they will have addressed the core issues of their topic and how it related to them personally and the people around them. Learners can expect to receive focused feedback, and teachers will adapt and supplement lessons according to the specific needs of the students


Language courses at Oscars International offer a curriculum which focuses on promoting life-long learning strategies for learners at all stages. We are committed to developing skills and competences with our learners which can be readily applied to interactions in the real world as well as for language learning. Our programmes are designed to maximise learner outcomes by helping to provide learners with the tools that are necessary in an ever changing world.

As English Language Educators, we incorporate the principles of the CEFR Can Do Statements into our programmes and assessment practices and promote a learner-centered approach to language learning. Communication and using language to interact is key when setting learning outcomes and learners will receive graded and focused feedback on their linguistic competences.

In addition to the CEFR which promotes the language learner’s autonomy in the real world, our curriculum and syllabus is also informed by the recognition of the significance of developing competences in 21st Century skills. At Oscars we have built our programmes to incorporate focus on developing these skills within the language classroom.